Many people ask, are massages a good investment into your health? There are different forms of massage, including deep tissue, hot stone, acupressure, cupping and more that address many of the physical and mental health concerns that a lot of us suffer from (well at least I know I do). Check out the graphic below from that lists 7 proven benefits of full body massage.

Ready to find out your massage prescription? Here’s some information about our very own massage therapist, Rebecca, also known as – our gifted healer! 🙂
Rebecca focuses on the art and science of healing that addresses the whole person – mind, body and spirit. As a licensed Massage Therapist, Rebecca integrates conventional and alternative therapies to treat disease, support strong metabolic and immune systems, and promote optimal health. I invite you to join Rebecca on this wonderful journey towards better health for better balance. You will work together to create the perfect massage tailored for you and you only. There are no extra “add-ons” because the experience is customized for the your needs in that moment. Massages can include deep tissue, Swedish, cupping, reflexology, hot stone, aromatherapy, reiki, and more. Remember, everyone is different, but we all need a RE-ZEN!
Don’t forget to take care of the body that works so hard for you.
Click here to schedule an appointment or email me to ask any questions at