Resolution #2: Wash Your Face EVERY Night

Wash Your Face to Get Your Best Skin

We’ve all been told how important it is to wash the makeup off of our face before bed, but do you know why? Sleep enables the body to reverse everyday free radical damage through cellular renewal. Just like the rest of our body works hard at night to restore and regenerate, so does our skin! In fact our skin does its best to exfoliate naturally by shedding off the dead skin, but if your makeup is left on your face, it doesn’t allow that to happen. So if you skip the 3 minute facial cleanse at night, don’t be surprised by the dull appearance, or flaky, dry skin on your face the next morning. Also, makeup can clog the pores while you sleep, resulting in bumpy skin and acne.

Because your skin repairs itself at night, it is important to cleanse it, that way skincare products can be absorbed better. TIP: Don’t forget that moisturizer! Your body naturally loses moisture at night, so always apply your serums, moisturizers and eye creams after you wash your face.

Product Recommendations

Check out my short video for tips on using three products to cleanse, restore and rejuvenate your skin! 

Biggest Piece of Advice

One of the best ways to ensure you don’t skip cleaning your face is to do it as soon as you get home. Sometimes I fall asleep with my kiddos, or I get wrapped up in my latest Netflix obsession. See, I get it, you’ve got a million and one things going on! So do yourself a favor and join me in New Year’s resolution #2. Fight the aging process by washing your makeup off every night!